Teaching for Learning

This asynchronous, online professional development course is focused on research and experience informed practical strategies that any teacher can use in their classroom today. Learn new teaching models and teaching and learning strategies to continually improve the quality of education in your school and ready your students for the skills they need now and in the future.


Develop your knowledge and understanding of teaching models based on the science of learning. All of these strategies develop a vibrant culture of thinking and psychological safety in your in-person or online classroom.

Learning & Teaching Strategies

Develop literacy, critical thinking, creative problem solving, communication, organisation and research skills in your students. These strategies offer students opportunities not only to learn content and skills, but also to learn how to learn. They become reflective learners by practising metacognition and developing their character and emotional intelligence through active listening, respectful talk, resilience and empathy.


Speed up your resource creation and reduce your workload by using the editable templates to fit your context. There is also an editable tracking and monitoring system so you can plan how you might plot the skills and content to be taught and identify the progress that students can expect to make.

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